Behind the Scenes with Incalculable Many

 One of my favorite Tumblrs to follow in Incalculable Many, otherwise known as Opening the Shapely Detail. She's got some beautiful photos and also some original artwork featuring well-drawn stick figures in different scenes and poses. A lot of the time she mashes up compositions with stock photography and original figures.

Here is one selection from the Tumblr, called Hiker in the Mountains.


Another is called Man Sitting in a Field


OK, Incalculable Many doesn't get any points for creativity or originality in her titles. But the drawings are cute and fun and often animated.

I asked her to share some details on her process. Here is what she shared with me:

I use Procreate on my iPad Pro for all my drawing. I prefer to create my backgrounds as original paintings with a variety of custom brushes for Procreate. Sometimes it's easier to create a composite using a stock photo I can find on Unsplash or another photo site. When I use a photo, I run it through a filter to simplify it and lower the contrast so that it stays more as a background.

 I don't use anything special for the brushes when I draw my stick figures. Just a dry brush for the outlines, and a soft airbrush for the colors and shadows/highlights.

I like to keep everything simple.



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