
Showing posts from 2020

Behind the Scenes with Incalculable Many

 One of my favorite Tumblrs to follow in Incalculable Many , otherwise known as Opening the Shapely Detail . She's got some beautiful photos and also some original artwork featuring well-drawn stick figures in different scenes and poses. A lot of the time she mashes up compositions with stock photography and original figures. Here is one selection from the Tumblr, called Hiker in the Mountains .   Another is called Man Sitting in a Field   OK, Incalculable Many doesn't get any points for creativity or originality in her titles. But the drawings are cute and fun and often animated. I asked her to share some details on her process. Here is what she shared with me: I use Procreate on my iPad Pro for all my drawing. I prefer to create my backgrounds as original paintings with a variety of custom brushes for Procreate. Sometimes it's easier to create a composite using a stock photo I can find on Unsplash or another photo site. When I use a photo, I run it through a filter t...